Imagine if you could set up a financial system where you got to make up as much money as you wanted, and loan that fake money at interest to others to the point where they can never repay it.
Take it a step further and design yourself a kind of money which has a contract embedded in it, such that it was not valid on Sundays. You could even design it so that it couldn’t be used to purchase something, say alcohol.
Take it a step further, be able to redesign the terms and conditions on the money when it’s already been issued. Say the financiers and the governments they control decide they don’t like smokers and they designate that their currency can no longer be used to purchase cigars. A few key clicks and poof! No more cigars.
Take it a step further, and with little programming. you could decree that Americans would no longer be able to use their money to purchase legal weapons under the second amendment.
You could make it even worse, so define it so that the programmable fake money actually expires, and after a certain period of time it can no longer be used.
But why stop there? Make it even worse worse, the Hacker Bank and No Trust and its apparatus can be allowed to watch what you’re doing in real time. Maybe the bank notices that you’ve had three sodas in a day and decides not to allow you to order any more soda, even if you were buying them for someone else.. This programmable coupon system would be an order of magnitude more intrusive than the existing surveillance regimen under which we persist. Even the greatest tyrants in history never had this much power.
As a final coup de grace, you could couple the fake money coupon to a powerful AI, which would watch everything in real time and only allow the transactions that have been programmed into it. There would no one even to call out, as the AI would be “just following algorithms.” It’s an even more banal tyranny than the empty excuses of the Gestapo after the war. And it would be on and regulating even the most detailed human behavior in real time, 24/7..
Based on the predators own public statements - and it is impossible in honesty to come to any other conclusion - they have made it clear that they will wrap the implements of what one can call financial torture around every person using them. The original inquisition was a social engineering exercise to crush opposition to Church policy and a bank robbery, all wrapped up into one. The CDBC is remarkably similar, if agnostic, blind, and unthinking, with its unmerciful digital soul. What we have here with CDBC essentially is money system as inquisition.
Compare that with a unit of cash. Let’s say you take a $20 bill and use it to purchase some groceries. As long as the currency is being accepted, as legal tender,, nobody can tell you what you can purchase with it, guided by law. Nobody even has to know that you made such purchase, again, guided by law.
But what are the central banksters actually doing? It can be pursuasively argued that they have pressured the politicians as far as they can, and now want to essentially fire the politicians, the technical term is “disintermediation,” and have a direct account relationship with every person in their purview. To any politicians out there, listen closely. The banksters want to fire you, if not in name, then in effect. And, because every political leader would be using the same system, their accounts will likely have special programs that amend banking policies when a leader steps out of line. As the banksters will have dossier level information about the purchases of politicians, it means that every leader will have a banker microscope watching every move. These control files will be the end of political representation in the West. But it is not all bad news.
There is definitely some pushback in many states around the United States to the idea of disintermediating the government, which is the only thing standing in the way of the parasitic financial class having direct control over the peoples of the West.
South Dakota has passed a bill that declares that bank digital currencies are not money. This was not just done with respect to the business of the South Dakota government. It was embedded in the Uniform Commercial Code, which means it applies to all business activity in the state. And Governor Noem signed it.
This is the “signature heard around the world.” has the details:
I just wanted to make it plain. I guess I might have succeeded. I also want politicos to know that this is an new reich taking away their powers, in effect.