Well, we'll see! Since EVERYTHING that these individuals, up on The Hill, have done thus far, has been NOTHING BUT THEATRE! They're ALL LIARS & FRAUDS! Lock 'em ALL UP!

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Congress was designed to be weak, so that we can avoid parliamentary tyranny. Two years ago, we had one congressman paying attention. Now we have about twenty, maybe more. This is progress.

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Nov 16, 2023Liked by Kelly Em

Thanks so much for your excellent research, reporting, and analysis, pointing out devastating 'untruths', disinformation, and false assurances pushed on a fear-indoctrinated, naive public. I think we are beginning to see honest admissions about the lies and the harm done. Sadly, there will be more deaths and disabilities and many will likely be lifelong if not life-ending. May the affected ones find comfort and compensation, for their lives will never be the same. May the consciences of the perpetrators be heavy and in like measure to the harm they have caused.

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Max, if you have a chance, could you share the post to help raise awareness? I really appreciate your noticing, and supporting the work! I started that piece at 3:00am.

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Thank you for this excellent report on the hearing. I agree- It is shocking, entirely so.

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